Thanh Truong

Thanh the Fruit Nerd to explore horticulture's social
Thanh Truong, aka the 'Fruit Nerd' on social media, is passionate about Australian produce.
After studying commerce and arts at Monash University, Thanh began working as a wholesale produce buyer for a major supermarket chain before joining the family business of wholesaling fresh produce at the Melbourne Market.
Thanh began collaborating with growers daily, finding the best fit for their produce at greengrocers and restaurants and joined the Advisory Board of the Melbourne Market.
Thanh's enthusiasm for fresh fruit and vegetables quickly overflowed from his role as he began sharing educational food content on social media. His positivity and knowledge were a hit, and his online presence escalated, with many of his videos viewed in the millions.
Thanh's dual interests in championing fresh produce while educating Aussies led Thanh to work with OzHarvest, ABC radio and TV, and the Little Food Festival. Thanh's online presence led to his book Don't Buy Fruit and Veg Without Meand his SBS TV series Fruit Nerd's Field to Feast.
Thanh seeks to explore the opportunities social media can bring to Australian growers, researching its best practice uses in marketing strategies to increase engagement with the sector.
“My study aims to provide strategies and tools for Australian agriculture and horticulture businesses to harness social media's potential and enhance engagement and growth,” Thanh said.
“A key issue is the need to utilise social media more effectively, avoiding missed opportunities for market reach and connection with younger audiences. By working with successful farming creators in larger demographics overseas, I will aggregate best practices for Australian producers, allowing them to future-proof their marketing.”
Thanh will travel to the United States of America, Canada, China, and India to meet social media creators focussing on food and agriculture.
“My first video, ‘Please don't squeeze the avocadoes,’ which aimed to raise awareness of produce handling in consumer environments, has been viewed over five million times, and my mango cutting video, over 40 million times.
“My greatest work has been engaging and educating Australians on how to have better fruit and vegetable experiences.”
Investor Information:
Rabobank Australia is a part of the international Rabobank Group, the world’s leading specialist in food and agribusiness banking.
In addition to agribusiness finance and business support, Rabobank provides access to a host of specialists whose expertise ranges from succession planning and business management education through to commodity price and foreign exchange risk management, as well as 90 international food and agribusiness analysts and an impressive global network of farming clients in 38 countries.
Website: www.rabobank.com.au
Thanh is also supported by Victorian alumni through the Victorian branch of Nuffield Australia.