Joana Ferrieira Mendes

Joana Ferreira Mendes
Tasmanian Nuffield Scholar aims to grow aquaculture sustainably
Joana Ferreira Mendes has been awarded a 2023 scholarship to visit key aquaculture-producing countries and bring back insights and innovations to help the Australian industry. Thanks to a Nuffield Scholarship, supported by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Joana plans to travel to Norway, Scotland, Canada and Chile.
Joana is a compliance coordinator on a marine salmon aquaculture site in southern Tasmania. This involves her coordinating environmental issues and work health and safety at the site.
“Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world. The farming of Atlantic salmon in Tasmania represents one of the highest value and volume fishery product in Australia.
“I am also interested to explore the relationships between the industry and the community in other countries. The salmon industry is inevitably connected with the environment and its people, it’s important to strengthen this relationship to build a resilient future.”
For the past seven years, Joana has worked with three aquaculture species (barramundi, prawns and salmon) which has given her a wide perspective on seafood production.
“The industry is diverse with different operational systems although each primary producer has a common goal: to produce seafood sustainably."
Joana hopes to provide the aquaculture industry in Australia with knowledge and background on how the different countries address sustainability, particularly in salmon farming. She plans to include detailed information on case studies and strategies that could work in Australia in her final report.
Investor Information:
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and fisheries and aquaculture. We are a statutory corporation under the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 (the PIRD Act) and are responsible to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
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